
kharif season

Learn about advanced varieties of cotton

Learn about advanced varieties of cotton

Cotton is cultivated extensively in India. Cotton is also known as a cash crop. Cotton cultivation is mostly done in the rain and kharif season. Black soil is considered suitable for cotton cultivation. This crop also has a very good impact on the economy of our country, as it is a cash crop. There are also some advanced varieties of cotton, which the farmer can earn profits by producing.

1 Supercott BG II 115

This type is one of the best varieties of Prabhat Seed. This variety can be sown in both irrigated and unirrigated areas. This variety is mostly performed in states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh. This variety of plants are mostly tall and spread. By sowing this seed, the farmer can get a yield of 20 -25 quintals in one acre of land. This crop gets ready in 160 -170 days.

Also read: Nanded -based cotton research centre developed three new varieties of cotton

2 Indo US 936, Indo US 955

This variety of cotton tops the Variety of Indo American. This variety of cotton is cultivated in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. It requires very light soil land for its cultivation. The weight of cotton in this variety is 7 -10 grams. Flowers start coming in this variety of cotton for 45-48 days. This variety gets ready in about 155 -165 days. The colour of the flower coming in this variety is creamy. Indo US 936, Indo US 955 has a production capacity of 15-20 quintals per acre.

3 Ajeet 177bg II

This variety can be grown in both irrigated and unirrigated areas. The length of the cotton plant in this variety is 145 to 160 centimetres. In this variety of cotton weighs 6 -10 grams. Ajeet 177bg II contains good types of fibres. This variety of cotton also has very few chances of leaf curling insects. This crop becomes ready within 145 -160 days. Its production capacity per acre is 22–25 quintals.

4 Mahyco Bahubali MRC 7361

Most of this variety is produced in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. This crop ripes during the medium period. The weight of this type of cotton is also very good. This crop yields around 20 -25 quintals per acre.

Also read: Cotton cultivation can make a big profit to farmers

5 Rasi Neo

This variety of cotton is mostly grown in states like Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, Telangana, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. This variety is tolerant of sucking insects. This variety of cotton plants are green. The production capacity of Rasi Neo is 20 -22 quintals per acre. This variety has been considered quite suitable for light and medium land.

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Moong farming is rather straightforward when compared to other pulse crops. Using less manure and fertiliser in moong production can result in significant gains. Moong farming is low-cost, and farmers can increase their profitability by generating better cultivars. This pulse has a variety of nutrients that are extremely good for health.

The market price of moong crops is fairly good, therefore farmers will make good earnings. In this essay, we will tell you about several advanced types of moong that you may cultivate to make a high profit.

Moong Varieties with high yield and diversity

Pusa Giant Variety

This kind of moong matures approximately 60-75 days in the spring and 60-65 days in the summer. IARI produced this kind of moong. This mung bean is resistant to the yellow mosaic virus. This moong is black and glossy. This moong is predominantly produced in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab. After maturity, this moong produces 12-13 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Moong growing is a successful business; understand the proper seeding technique.

Pusa Ratna Variety

Moong of the Pusa Ratna variety matures in 65-70 days. IARI produced this kind of moong. Pusa Ratna tolerates the yellow mosaic used in moong cultivation. This kind of moong is easily cultivated in Punjab and other districts of Delhi NCR.

Pusa 9531

This moong species grows well on both lowlands and hills. This variety's plants mature in 60-65 days and are ready for harvest. Its pods turn light brown after ripening. Furthermore, yellow spot disease is infrequent in this variety. This cultivar yields 12 to 15 quintals per hectare.

Also to read: Pests and illnesses of moong.

H U M -1

Banaras Hindu University developed this kind of moong, which has extremely few pods. This moong cultivar ripens in around 65-70 days. Furthermore, the yellow mosaic disease, which occurs in the moong crop, has little influence on it.


This kind of moong thrives throughout the Zaid season. This type may be grown well even in the Kharif season. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Also, this variety yields 8-10 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Soybean, cotton, pigeon pea, and moong planting may fall dramatically, affecting production.

Gold 12 /333

This moong is specially produced for the Zaid season. Plants of this cultivar mature two months after seeding. This cultivar yields around 10 quintals per hectare.

Pant Moong -1

This kind of moong may be cultivated throughout both the Zaid and Kharif seasons. Bacterial infections seldom afflict this type of moong. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Pant Moong-1's typical output is 10-12 quintals.

 Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Groundnut variety D.H. 330 can be cultivated even in areas with low water availability. Groundnut is grown in states like Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Due to drought in these states, farmers face a lot of challenges in peanut production. Due to less rainfall here, the yield of groundnut is less. Besides, the income of the farmer brothers is also less. In such a situation, today we have the peanut variety D.H. We are going to give information about 330, which requires less water for its cultivation.

When is groundnut sown?

For your information, let us tell you that peanuts are sown in July. It starts germinating 30 to 40 days after sowing. After flowering, pods start appearing in it. If there is a possibility of low rainfall and drought in your area, its productivity will not decline. For this, 180 to 200 mm of rainfall is sufficient.

Soil preparation for groundnut cultivation

To prepare the soil, irrigate it once after plowing the field. After sowing, when the plants start producing pods, cover the soil around the roots of the plants. Due to this, pods are produced well. Soil preparation is very important for better crop productivity.

 Also read: Prevent the pests and diseases that most affect the groundnut crop in this way

How to get good production of peanuts?

Farmers can spray organic fertilizers at the time of sowing the crop to increase the production of groundnut. Apart from this, mix Indole Acetic in 100 liters of water and keep spraying it on the crop from time to time.

Also read: Prevention of white braided pest is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Protection of groundnut crops from diseases

There is a high possibility of collar rot disease, tick disease, and termite attack in groundnut crops. For this, fungicides like Carbendazim, Mancozeb, and a 2.5 kg quantity of Manganese Carbamate should be mixed in 1000 liters of water and sprayed about 4 to 5 times at intervals of 15 days. Farmer brothers were given this variety of groundnut by D.H. For best production from the sowing of 330 and information related to any disease, take advice from agricultural experts and scientists.

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

Farmers to earn large profits if they cultivate this variety of groundnuts

The DH 300 variety of groundnuts require much less water for cultivation. Also it requires barely 4-5 months to get completely cultivated and harvested.Groundnuts are delicious and a beneficial crop.Almost everyone in India likes peanuts. Gujarat is the leading producer of groundnuts in India. Following that are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. If you, farmer brothers, are thinking about making a nice living by farming it. So, in this post, we will teach you about its cultivation, which will allow you to earn a solid living by producing high-quality peanuts in just four months.

The best approach to cultivate peanuts

Groundnut agriculture must be advanced and efficient, requiring both good seeds and sophisticated technology. DH 330 sowing must be done after the fields have been ploughed three to four times. Following this, after levelling the soil, organic manure, fertilisers, and nutrients should be mixed onto the field as needed. D.H. 330 is a kind of groundnut that does not require heavy watering. Peanuts should be seeded once the land has been prepared. For a higher yield, you should carefully select healthy seeds.

Also read: Preventing white braided insects is critical for a high peanut crop.

Irrigation is crucial in peanut agriculture

The DH  330 crop  version. requires less rain to develop. As a result, it is commonly referred to as a water-saving crop. If there is a risk of significant rainfall in your location, you should avoid cultivating this type entirely. Waterlogging in the groundnut crop raises the danger of rotting, as well as insect infestation.

Organic insecticides in the groundnut crop

There is a potential of over-weeding in this variety of groundnut crop. In such a case, you can increase your output by utilising organic fertilisers. Weeding should be done in the fields 25-30 days following groundnut seeding. Remove any hay generated in the field. Continue to apply pesticides two to three times each month to protect the crop from pests and illnesses.